Growing up, I was a quiet, tall, skinny, insecure girl with severely chapped lips and big feet. I’m still the same tall, chapped lip girl, yet with more weight, mouth, and self esteem. I guess I grew up and gradually learned to love and accept myself. This is a rough process all young girls must go through – learning to love themselves. Most girls grow up not completely satisfied with their bodies and many of us are still dissatisfied. Girls compare as they watch beauty pageants and the very popular model shows. This is natural for females, yet it grieves the heart of God, our Creator. Our daughters, nieces, and other young girls crossing our paths need love, compliments, and encouragement poured into them. They must be saturated with their significance in this world because as they grow up, they’ll have to love and encourage themselves – don’t you have to?
Last night I watched a show on facial deformities and I should never have another negative thought about any aspect of my being. The enemy knows the power of a woman and his subtle schemes to destroy our esteem and worth begins in our own mind with the thoughts we have of ourselves. Can you imagine a world of women with total self-confidence
and supernatural abilities? Watch out world! For those blessed to have daughters, make it a priority to teach your daughter to love herself. For those of us with sons, let’s teach them to acknowledge women as the beautiful, precious vessels God created. And above all - love yourself as the wonderful woman God purposely and perfectly made!
Proverbs 139:14 (NIV)I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well