Octopus Mom

Mothers are blessed to have the ability to multi-task. We can cook, do laundry, help with homework, wash dishes, nurse a sick child, and a few other things all at the same time, yet there is one major area of our lives we’ll never master...the ability to be in more than one place at the same time. Have you ever had two baseball games, karate practice, and dance lessons all going on at the same time or at least the start and end times of the activities overlap? Whew! God bless those with three, four, maybe five or more children participating in various activities and sporting events. What is a mom to do? The best we can without losing our mind! Some mothers seek car pool opportunities while others take turns dropping off and picking up the children with their spouse. Others must go solo and just be the best New York taxi-driver they can be. Things don’t usually go as smooth as we want them to and we may not always be on time, yet we somehow get the important things done and things work out. We definitely can’t do everything and be everywhere all the time, although we sure try! It helps to know our limitations and our children’s limitations. We all have 24 hours in the day, yet we use them differently. Use your resources and your time wisely and don’t be afraid to ask for help! I pray each morning and ask for guidance and direction for the day. “Please God, order my every step!”
Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.