I thank God for the father role in the home because as Firstborn's mother, I would not be able to get his attention the way hubby has. Am I too soft or do children just know how to work the mother? It seems the boys pay waaaay more attention to the male voice in this house than they do my voice. I usually have to go up a few octaves to let them know I'm serious and by that time, hubby has stepped in on the situation and in their face. Thank you, hubby!
It use to bother me that the boys pay more attention to hubby's directions than mine, but now I'm relieved! It's less stress for me plus it reminds me of what single parents go through. Instead of Beyonce's song, Single Ladies, someone needs to write a song for Single Mothers!
As a reminder to all parents, children really do WANT to be disciplined. Without order in the home, they live aimlessly without direction. They rebel against us, pout, sulk, and wonder why we do what we do, but in the end....they are thankful for parents that yank them back in line and place them on course.