As I watched the finale of The Celebrity Apprentice last night, I wished the average mother could go on the show to win some of that money the O’Jays sing about. While I strongly desired that money, I remembered I was born with gifts and talents to make a difference in the world and to make money. I have a strong desire to be a blessing to others – a big blessing. I want to bless others on Donald Trump’s and Oprah’s level. Do I pray to be a blessing? No, I pray to boldly use my gifts and talents I’ve been suffocating with fear. I know if I do my part, God will do His. Having a book published is just the beginning of God getting glory through my talents.
God has blessed women to be just as creative and resourceful as the Proverbs 31 Woman, yet many of us choose to live right beneath the radar of our potential. I realized I wasn’t being a good steward of my talents, so I’ve surrendered them to God once and for all. Fear is definitely Miss Flesh’s way of keeping me from being all God wants me to be.
What talents and gifts are you sitting on? What has God blessed you with that can be a blessing to others AND make money, money, money, mooooney? Remember, God isn’t the only one to benefit from the use of our gifts and talents, our family will also. Instead of accepting recession, let's be resourceful!
Proverbs 31:31 (NIV)
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.