My ten-year old baked his first cake tonight. It was dessert for our family's Super Bowl Party and he was so proud of himself. He loves to cook and has been saying he's going to be a chef and own his own restaurant one day.
My desire is for him to sing; he has a powerful voice he refuses to share in public. I'm sure his Father wants him to excel in sports, but what we want for his life doesn't matter. God's will shall be done and our job as his parents is to nurture him in the Lord, so he will one day know to seek God for direction for his life.
Hmmm...so far, he's wanted to be a fisherman, a musician, a chef, and he enjoys sports. Hey, how about a singing chef? Okay, okay...have your way, Lord!
By the way, the cake was delicious! It was chocolate, which is my favorite and although the party was family only, it's half gone!