My relaxing Sunday afternoons are over for a while. Yesterday, instead of sitting in my warm living room wrapped in my purple blanket and surrounded by reading and writing materials, I sat in a hard plastic folding chair in a cold gym watching second-born’s basketball practice. I thought I was okay with the Sunday practices, but had to fight the spirit of complaining and discontent all the way to the gym. Obviously, the battle in my mind was stronger than my will. I enjoy sports and especially enjoy watching my boys play, so where was this trifling irritation coming from?
I recalled my desire to do better and be better this year which helped explain the battle in my mind. The enemy doesn’t want me to go higher in my spiritual walk and wants me to allow simple matters to ruffle my feathers. I will be pulled out of my comfort zone and placed in many difficult situations this year, so I better gird up and get ready. I already know the battle will begin in my mind, so I must speak God’s promises and remember I am more than a conqueror – in every battle. What’s the point of grumbling, mumbling, and complaining when it isn’t going to ch
What will today hold? I don’t know, but I know I serve a God wanting only the best for my life. Have your way, Lord!
Luke 22:42 (NKJV)
“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”