A Lighter Load

My husband was surprised to see me awake early this morning after an extremely eventful weekend. He told me I needed to get some rest, but I was preparing to meditate and exercise, so I could begin my day the right way. I always stress the importance of rest, so I appreciate my husband looking out for me, yet there is work to be done. My legs ache and my feet hurt, however, I neglected my home all weekend, so today is another busy day. As I put laundry in the washer, sweet Jesus whispered to me that my rest is in Him. His words were like a warm hug as I was reminded to plug into my power source for a recharge of strength, energy, and power. Rest and exercise is my physical energy, but it runs out. I need an endless energy that never tires – a spiritual energy, which is the Spirit of God. A woman’s work is never done, but when we allow God to lead and guide us throughout the day, our load seems lighter. The 23rd Psalm came to mind as I continued my laundry and I felt an extra ounce of grace and energy. The Word of God is potent when we make it personal and apply it to our daily life. Yes, my to-do list seems endless today, but I’ll take one task at a time as God leads me. I will do the things that I can and realize I can’t do everything. Let’s have a Magnificent Monday as we plug into God’s strength and power. He will restore us!

Psalm 23: 1-3 (New Living Translation)

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.