Last night, coming home from practice, my husband was on my son for missing a pass; he plays a few positions and one is wide receiver. I thought to myself, if we put as much energy into his character building and Bible teaching as we put into football, we'd score a real touchdown! I didn't part my lips and only prayed because I knew the enemy would blow my comment up into an argument. A Mother has got to know when to speak and when to shut-up and pray. Our influential role is much to powerful to misuse with simple words. Sometimes our prayers will get the job done before any words that cross our lips. Men will always be men and their ego in sports is a part of who they are.
My job during football season is to be on sidelines praying and ensuring my sons stay encouraged and prayerful on the field. I must also remind them that their talent is from the Lord and that they would be nothing without the powerful hands of God upon them. Are you ready for some football?