The Lord woke me at 2:30 a.m. this morning to pray and I'm so thankful He did. I've been busy preparing to open a business, so my days have been quite full. He reminded me that my family is my first ministry and not to let the things of this world distract me from my prayer life. Thank you, Lord! Although the Lord has blessed me with this business opportunity, He also reminded me that He still requires to be first in all I do and that I need to continue striving to be the Godly wife and mother He created me to be. I'm so grateful for God's gentle reminder as He could have chosen any way to remind me. From the beginning of this business endeavor, I've made a special effort to stay focused on Jesus. I don't want to get overly excited, but I want to remain grounded and see Him in every part of this opportunity. To God be the glory!