Alright already!! I put the fertilizer down! If you read the previous post, LOL , you'll understand why I'm sharing my seeds of confession today.
Dear hubby came home late from work yesterday and of course he was tired - or should I say...more tired than usual. He didn't even take his uniform off, but when straight into the backyard to work on the pool. I thought of how I could help him, and realized it was best for me to just stay out of his way. He was sorta grumpy, so I just let him be and gave him a few minutes alone. The boys weren't at home to pounce on him and I sure didn't want to take their place with questions and small talk. I thought about the fertilizer and how I turned his simple request into a major battle of the sexes. My husband is tired! Yes, I'm tired also and don't get me wrong, his statement is still hilarious to me, but the HELPMATE in me took control.
Sigh...I can't help it. I just have to help my husband anyway I can, but that doesn't take away from how I feel.
Am I sometimes frustrated because hubby's requests make my already full plate overflow? Yes!
Does it annoy me that he doesn't understand I'm just as busy if not busier than he is? Definitely!
Does it bother me that he doesn't realize I get tired also? You better believe it!
Did it kill me to help hubby out and lay the fertilizer seeds, which I purchased to help our yard and home look better? No (sniff, sniff).
It took all of five minutes and I even watered the grass. Yes, it felt good to throw those seed down and it feels even better sharing my seeds of confession.
We all want to HELP our husbands as much as we can. After all, that's what we're called to do, right? Helpmeet, Helpmate, Helper - however you say it, we are what we are or should I say, we should be what we are (smile).
Of course, I often wonder why I don't get help with my endless to-do list, but just as hubby asked for help, I can ask for help also. I'm not my husband's competitor, but his completer.
We reap what we sow...what seeds are you planting in your marriage today?