I am notorious for sharing the importance of women taking care of themselves, yet I struggle with this crucial concept. I've been congested with sniffles, haven't been able to smell, and have been lovingly snorting in hubby's ear at night for almost three months.
I truly dislike going to the doctor and taking medicine. I know my body was made to heal itself, so if I take care of my temple; my temple will take care of me. Right? Well, I didn't do my part and three months of neglected sniffles turned into a self-diagnosed sinus infection. I finally made an appointment.
Three days later, I found myself in the emergency room wearing a dingy, faded, flowered gown opened in the back and half covering the unique shade of red bumps and hives that covered my stomach, chest, and back. The doctor took one look at me and recognized a reaction to the antibiotics I had been given. All of this could have been avoided if I had just taken care of myself.
A nurse soon comes in with an IV hook up. What the ----? I was prepared to receive new meds and leave, but ended up having to stay a while. I still had not learned my lesson. I was trying to rush out of the hospital instead of taking a minute to take care of me. The nurse offered me a warm blanket. I accepted and was knocked out - IV drugs and a blanket; taking care of me wasn't so bad after all. I had a much needed long nap. Hours later I was back home, yet napped the entire weekend as I continued taking heavy combative drugs.
I'm much better this morning and ready to get back to normal after being reminded of more than a few valuable lessons.
- Temple maintenance is important and requires my attention.
- Taking the time to care for me fuels me to continue taking care of my family.
- Taking care of me puts me in a position to honestly practice what I preach.
- I cannot properly fulfill my role as a wife and mother in a raggedy temple.
I must also mention - if hubby or one of my sons had the sniffles, I would have donned the nurse maid hat immediately...shame on me!
Mothers, have a marvelous Monday in Motherhood and please don't forget to take care of U - mentally, physically, and spiritually!
I Corinthians 6:19 (NIV)
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?