Monday Meditation - Never Alone

I just came back from another trip to Montgomery, AL. Second-born will be staying with my parents for a week and you would have thought I dropped him off at a stranger's house. He hasn't been away from me this long since I was in the Navy and had to leave him for duty.

It was hard driving off without him in the backseat. I even left him my cell phone, so he could call home anytime he wanted without running my parent's phone bill up. I left him a note with a list of things I usually have to remind him of. I also ironed his clothes and made sure he had them placed properly, so he wouldn't have to iron each morning. Last night, before he went to bed, we said our prayers together and I gave him a big hug. The prayers alone probably would have been sufficient; he'll be eleven years old next month. He's able to iron and cook for himself, but the Mama in me couldn't help it.

As I pulled out of my parent's driveway this morning, my father stood in the doorway and told me to put some 'real' mothering on my son. I'm sure he was referring to the coddling I gave my baby boy. I almost went back into the house to get my cell phone, but I didn't. My peace of mind came from following my natural instinct and making sure my son was well taken care of before I left. After all; it's my job, right?

On the drive home, a thought came to mind. Although it's my job to care for my children; God is still in complete control. Whether my children are in my sight or out of my sight, God takes care of them better than I ever could. He is always with them. After all, they are His children, right?

Nevertheless, I'll see my son next Sunday and I know I left him in good hands. Not Allstate, but the hands of my parents and my Heavenly Father.

Psalm 73:23 (NIV)
Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.