One major thing that helps me in my relationships is realizing we are all wired differently. Just because people don't think the way I do doesn't make their decisions or the way they do things wrong. They are supposed to be different! We aren't supposed to think alike. God made each of us unique in our own way. My children have their own minds and thoughts and so does my husband, so I try hard not to expect them to do and say things the way I do. This is a great concept to use not only in the family, but on the job, with our neighbors, strangers we meet, and especially our church family - Ouch! Instead of wondering why people do and say the things they do, I try to just accept the fact that they are different from me. This sure saves alot of time from trying to figure people out. What makes us think we are so right in our thinking and actions anyway? Hmmm...this really shows what we think of ourselves. We really aren't all that and a bag of chips. I recently heard someone say we judge other people's actions, but we judge ourselves based on our intentions. This is definitely something to make you go....hmmm....