I walked into my sons' bedroom last night, at midnight, to pray and the room was a complete mess. It was actually more of firstborn's mess, so instead of bowing to pray, I bowed to wake him up to pick up the small piles of dirty laundry, clean clothes, and other mess around his bed. It was another Life Lesson for LaVender as I later realized I allowed the mess obscure my focus on God. I went in with a mind to pray, yet allowed the mess to distract me. This is the same thing that happens when we're going through a difficult or trying time in our life. We can't see God working in our life because we're focused on our issues or our mess. Just as we joyfully praise God when things are going well, we should praise God when things appear not to be going as well. Although the boys' room was a mess, God was still in the midst watching over them. I was the one who moved - God was still there... in the mess. While firstborn groggily half cleaned, I prayed for him and thanked God for the beautiful midnight life lesson.