Tell It!
It’s Christmas Eve and thoughts of the many MW readers preparing to celebrate this very special day raced through my mind. Many of us have various things going on that could easily damper the merry in Christmas – if we allow it to. Dealing with the death of a loved one, a troubled marriage, children who have gone astray, financial difficulties, and career changes, are just a few issues that life offers. I couldn’t wait to receive the words for this meditation that would bless us this season.
A very soulful rendition of Go Tell it on the Mountain keeps playing over and over in my mind – probably because I’ve been listening to it over and over again. No matter what situations we may be dealing with, our Savior was born to set us free. Our Savior was born to give us life more abundantly. Our Savior was born to give a peace that surpasses all understanding. We must tell this good news to another troubled soul. This classic song isn’t a seasonal message, yet a life long obligation. This good news brings me comfort as I think of the Mother who can’t afford to buy her child presents or the Mother who isn’t in her right mind. We must share our good news! Christ’s birth is our life – our joy – our strength – in spite of what life throws our way. Just because the Christmas season passes, the good news will last forever. Go tell it!
Mark 5:19 (NIV)
... "Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you."
Wife Off Duty
Thank God for Life!
A Pregnant Angel
While shopping for a baby shower gift this weekend, I saw an unusual figurine – a pregnant angel. She was dressed in white with glittering wings and was holding her stomach. I don’t particularly care for figurine angels, yet the longer I studied her the more appropriate she became. Mothers are God’s angels chosen to care for His babies. Sometimes we need a reminder of just how valuable we are to God. I thought of Mary and how special she was to be chosen to bring baby Jesus into the world. There is no higher calling than to nurture and protect God’s children. Not only are we called to be caretakers, yet just as Mary is an example of a Godly woman and Mother, we are called to be examples also. Each of us should strive to be a Paradigm of Motherhood.
It’s easy to fall into a rut and think our role is another ordinary job with mundane responsibilities, yet there is nothing ordinary about being a Godly Mother. Everyday is full of purpose and opportunity. This is the perfect season to reflect on our calling as Mothers and I encourage you to encourage another Mother either in your words or deeds. We are all traveling this challenging journey of Motherhood and there is nothing easy about it. Remember you are chosen – you are called - you have purpose! Let’s walk in our calling and not forget the younger Mothers traveling behind us. Yes, I decided to purchase the pregnant angel, yet was also reminded to give the gift of being an example of a Godly Mother.
No Place Like Home
Take the Time
Be Still
I was trying hard to prevent busyness in my life this wonderful month of December, yet it isn’t working. It’s funny how December calls for more of our time and attention. I become irritable when I’m swamped with the stuff of life because my main concern is making sure everything I do is ordered by God. I attempt to avoid my plate being full of self served actions and events, yet I’m not always successful. The weekend was so busy for me I felt like I was running ahead of Jesus and waiting for Him to catch up with me. I couldn’t wait to get in the presence of God this morning to just sit and listen. It was time to be still. No television, no radio, and no people in my ear…I only wanted to hear the voice of my Heavenly Father. I need Him to order my steps, guide me, lead me, and help me to stay focused on Him as I prepare for another week. This time of being still and listening helped to renew my mind and review my priorities. I feel refreshed and empowered to do what I’m called to do as a wife, mother, and every other hat I wear. It’s easy to forget who is in control as we schedule meetings and plan activities. Thank God for the mind to stop, be still, and know God is in control of my life today and everyday!
Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
Perfect Peace!
The Deliverer
Don't Forget to Pray!
The Prince of Peace
Saturday morning as I sat in my car waiting for my sons’ flag football games to begin, I observed a mother of four completely stressed out, drinking coffee, and smoking cigarettes. She was doing all she could to keep her young children in order and was doing a great job at it. I have difficult moments with my two children and can’t imagine having four; I began praying for her. It was only eight in the morning and she had the whole day ahead of her. Lord, have mercy. Although observing her was like watching an action packed movie, it was probably second nature for her. I wanted to help her, yet remembered I had three football games ahead of me and was in no position to help anyone else, so I didn’t. Christmas came to mind and how appropriate it would be to share the Prince of Peace with the many hurried and frazzled Mothers I’ll come in contact with. So many Mothers are counting pennies to buy presents, looking for part-time jobs for the holidays, over decorating, and splurge spending. The seasoned Mothers who have gone through these early Motherhood moments should share words of wisdom and I should have shared with the Mother of four I observed. I’m sure I’ll see her again on the field and when I do, I will. Who wouldn’t benefit from hearing comforting words about the Prince of Peace? Who doesn’t want peace in their life? What Mother doesn’t want her peace of mind? Because this beautiful season can be hidden with the busyness of the season, we can easily miss the priceless gift of peace. Let’s give the gift of peace this Christmas – the Prince of Peace.