Over parent? My father recently told me not to over parent and his statement came to mind again this morning when I received the below message from a friend. The author is unknown.
The Bible says parents are like archers and children are like arrows.
Parents ... as an archer it's your job to:
1) Protect them in the quiver (home).
After the assassination of her husband, Jacqueline Kennedy was asked if she planned to run for political office. "No," she replied, "my major effort must be devoted to my children. If they turn out badly, nothing I could do in the public eye would have any meaning."
Our children are growing up in a generation where they can get drugs, buy weapons, meet a predator, engage in virtual sex, and do it all under your own roof via computer. That should alarm you! You say, "I figured it out; they will too."
No, "A child left to him/herself brings shame to his/her parents... Correct your son, and... he will give delight to your soul" (Prov 29:15-17).
But be careful. If your children view you as judgmental and joyless they'll avoid you, then later explode like a time bomb. Build a home in which they can ask questions openly, get answers and form lifelong values. The word "warrior" means you must fight for them!
2) Aim them in the right direction. Don't over protect them or you'll choke their creativity, don't sacrifice them for material things, and don't impose your unfulfilled dreams on them.
Help them to discover their talents and discern God's plan for their life; then become their biggest cheerleader. Hmmm...I almost choked Firstborn to death!
3) Release them. It can be difficult letting go. But it's easier when you know you've taught them the truth, they're covered by prayer, and under God's protection.
I thank my friend for passing these encouraging words to me. This was my morning portion of peace in parenting. Do you know a mother who can benefit from this? Pass the peace!