I think I'm addicted to my computer!

Laundry is yelling at me, the mop is crying, the vacuum is sulking, Secondborn is in my ear, yet still I sit... my fingers continue to kiss the keyboard keys, my hand is hugging the mouse, and my behind is like a magnet to my chair.
If I heard hubby's keys in the front door, I'd immediately jump up and run from the computer. LOL! Wow...
Am I addicted or do I just need to manage my time better? Afterall, my job is on the computer! I'm a writer! I don't do this everyday, but today is especially difficult. Thank God I don't own a cell phone, I'd really be messed up!
What's that you say? Oh, it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be? How would you know? How long have YOU been sitting at the computer? It takes an addict to know an addict! LOL!
Hi. My name is Momsweb aka laVender and I became addicted to the computer while sharing with women across the world about the powerful role of the Mother. While encouraging you to love and nurture your family, my home is neglected, my children are hungry, and my husband is often cold at night. Hmmm...is that all it took? I just needed to admit my addiction and take corrective action! I feel better already!