Because I’m the only female in my home, I have the pleasure of watching hubby and the boys wrestle and throw punches at each other. Although I get sick of watching them throw their testosterone around, I’m glad hubby thought it was important to teach the boys how to defend themselves. I’ve also learned a few things myself by watching and listening.
This weekend while I dodged air punches, I thought of the real life battles I find myself in - daily. Faced with many battles throughout the day, I have to pick and choose which ones I’ll participate in. The battles begin as soon as I open my eyes, as I struggle to defend myself from Miss Flesh and her immediate pouncing on my attitude and jabs to my joy.
This weekend while I dodged air punches, I thought of the real life battles I find myself in - daily. Faced with many battles throughout the day, I have to pick and choose which ones I’ll participate in. The battles begin as soon as I open my eyes, as I struggle to defend myself from Miss Flesh and her immediate pouncing on my attitude and jabs to my joy.
The second battle is when everyone else awakes. What attitude will they choose to have? How will I react to them or will I react at all? Just as my three men bob and weave punches, I find myself bobbing and weaving also. The battle of what Firstborn wears to school is scheduled followed by Secondborn’s lack of desire to homeschool. These battles are on top of battles with food, my mouth, and whatever else Miss Flesh brings to the ring.
My defense in these battles calls for some spiritual conditioning, reprogramming of my mind, and praying without ceasing. Focusing on God’s love and power within me allows me to escape from the weak punches of Miss Flesh. I also try to remember that fighting for everlasting treasures outweighs fighting for the daily trivial matters. Are you ready to fight the good fight today? Pick your battles and enjoy your marvelous Monday in the MotherHOOD!
I Timothy 6:12 (NIV)
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

My defense in these battles calls for some spiritual conditioning, reprogramming of my mind, and praying without ceasing. Focusing on God’s love and power within me allows me to escape from the weak punches of Miss Flesh. I also try to remember that fighting for everlasting treasures outweighs fighting for the daily trivial matters. Are you ready to fight the good fight today? Pick your battles and enjoy your marvelous Monday in the MotherHOOD!
I Timothy 6:12 (NIV)
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.