I'm afraid I've passed my addiction to chocolate and love for sweets on to my son, Secondborn. Brownies and homemade chocolate chip cookies are his weakness and I'm to blame. Sorry, son!
The picture above is a batch of his delicious, homemade chocolate chip cookies. Look at that chocolate oooozing out....mmmm...
I know I've passed on a few other bad habits since he watches and listens to me day in and day out - all day long. No pressure on a mother to be a good example to her children, but they are definitely watching our every move. To tell the truth, some mothers can't make a move without a couple of eyes watching (lol).
I try to find the good in everything and there is definitely a good thing in this love for chocolate I've passed on to Secondborn. He has started a cookie business at the ripe age of eleven and I'm celebrating his efforts with a giveaway of 1 dozen of his famous Chunkie Chips.
To enter, simply follow his blog, Chunkie Chips, that he created ALL BY HIMSELF (proud mama moment) and leave him a comment of encouragement. That's it!
Deadline to enter contest is Monday, March 1st.
We'll put the names in a hat and pick a winner. I may even pick two winners because I'm just that proud of my chocolate clone.
Good luck and may the love of chocolate be with you!