Secondborn had a very difficult decision to make this morning.
We were supposed to travel to MS this week to an Art and Heritage Celebration featuring my older sister, but they changed his weekend basketball game to our travel day. Hmmm...decisions, decisions. He was perplexed and asked what I wanted him to do. Naturally, I did what any loving mother would do and told him to make the decision himself and I would support whatever he decided to do.
I also did something else any loving mother would do. I used this wonderful teaching opportunity to explain the importance of making wise decisions. I poured a little spiritual seasoning on my lecture and also stirred in a few mature matters on his level. I gave him plenty of tools to make his decision. I felt like a proud mama!
Well, he pondered and pondered and finally came to me and below is our conversation.
Secondborn - "Mama, I'm going to my basketball game"
Me - Noticing the concerned look on his face "Okay! That's fine! Did you consider me in your decision?"
Secondborn - "Yes."
Me - "Was it because you didn't want me to drive by myself?"
Secondborn - shakes his head up and down
Me - "Sweetie, I'll be fine!" silently screaming... Thank you, Jesus!! I'll be aloooooone!
"You know, we probably need some time away from each other anyway. We spend all day and night together. You made a good decision. How did you come to your final conclusion?"
very anxious to hear how he implemented his new tools on making wise decisions
Secondborn - "I put my jersey on one side of my bed and imagined Mississippi on the other side and said dot, ink, stink, poot, fart, out. Mississippi was out."
Me - looking crossed eyed Okaaaay!
Secondborn - That was good, wasn't it?
Me - Sweetie, that's fine and thank you for giving me something to blog about.
As a mother, I can only do my part in pouring wisdom and knowledge into my children. What they do with all that good information is....well, their decision!