After the yard was perfectly manicured, hubby came in to eat; his plate was in the refrigerator waiting on him. As he stood near the microwave waiting for his meal to warm, I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. Hubby said to me, "If you're going to hold me, hold me up." I chuckled because I knew he was tired, but thought for a minute about his comment. Yes, I took it to another level.
Men have a lot on their shoulders as the head of the household, the priest, the protector, and the provider. A woman is needed not only to a helper, but to hold our men up in prayer and to be a vessel to pour courage into their hearts (encourage). Men may be the stronger vessel, yet they need our loving power to hold them up - they need our emotional stroking to hold them up - they need the strength of our spirituality to hold them up and they need our powerful words (not nagging) to keep them up.
All I did was give hubby a hug and I received a wonderful Life Lesson for LaVender in holding my husband up! It doesn't matter if it's finances, a career move, spiritual growth, life changes, or their personal tribulations. let's help our men be the man they were created to be. Let's be that strong woman they need behind them to hold them up and thank God for Jesus holding us up!
Proverbs 31:28 (AMP Bible)
...and her husband boasts of and praises her...