I know it's strange reading this here, but writing is healing for me. Yes, it's time for me to be transparent about even this.
How can I remain so calm? Well, I'm not calm about it at all and her periodic visits with hubby upset me, but what can I do? Sometimes it scares me that she would actually try to take my place so close to the holidays, but I must be true to myself. I must remember the children hubby and I have together, and I must also remember that he chose to marry me - not this other woman. I try so hard to show love in spite of this other woman, but it's so difficult.
Do I blame hubby? Not at all. This other woman has pushed her way into his life and he has tried to avoid her, but she is extremely persistent. I've tried to find ways and even pray about this other woman, but I've finally accepted, after so many years, this is God's plan for my life - my marriage.
She's moody, mean, and to put it plainly - she's a b----. Thank God she only comes around once a month and her visits are short because although hubby loves her, I know he also loves to see her leave. Hubby and I aren't intimate when she comes around and hubby knows he better not touch me until she leaves. I might as well tell you her name. Yes, I know her that well. Her name is Flo - as in Aunt Flo.
Does your husband have another woman in his life?