If you follow this blog regularly, you know Firstborn transitioned from homeschool to public high school this year. His reading class reads news articles to find facts and improve vocabulary, and the above magazine article is one Firstborn brought home yesterday. Although this tragedy happened in 2000, it is still disturbing.
I'm happy Firstborn likes sharing the articles with me, but this one he could have kept to himself. His school has already experienced two deaths and a few accidents this year.
I think about Firstborn often while he is at school and wonder who he is with and what he's doing. On football game days, the team stays at school until game time. One particular game day, Firstborn was heavily on my mind and I had a disturbed feeling (mother's intuition) about him. Well, I prayed and anxiously awaited to see him later that evening at the game. When I saw him, I was so relieved, but still wondered why I had those uneasy feelings.
The next day, I found out that Firstborn was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong crowd, but thank God he realized it before he got in trouble. I especially thank God for leading me to pray for him.
The boys and I pray together every morning and my prayers give me peace. I know I can't control what happens from day to day, but one thing I do know is the power of prayer. Knowing my family is covered in prayer and safely kept in God's hands lets this mama know everything is already alright - regardless of what happens at home or at school.
Are you praying for your children each day?