The comments are not from mothers who work outside the home, but from mothers at home! Funny huh?
Most mothers don't know I started Momsweb as a mother working outside the home. Yes, Momsweb began when I was in the Navy. Yes, I left my children everyday to go to work. Yes, I had a career. Yes, I chose to juggle my family and career. There...I said it.
One of the most recent comments I received was about how I made the decision to put my family first because I'm at home. Soooo, does that mean I didn't put my family first while I was working? Hmmm...
I see why the Mom Wars continue because we don't think before we open our mouths. We may not realize it, but some of our comments may come across with a self righteous attitude. What about the Single Mother who has to go to work everyday? What about the wife with a husband on disability and can't work? What about the mother trying to help her husband put her son through college?
The purpose of this post is not only to get this off my chest, but to remind mothers who stay home to be careful of the words you (we) choose. We are all in this together - we are all MOTHERS loving our children the best we know how. We all fall short of what God expect of us. The choices we make should not interfere with our love and acceptance of each other as we share the world's greatest, hardest, most challenging and rewarding role...THE MOTHER.