My gloomy eleven-year old began reading the book last night and his attitude slowly improved. I guess he realized tears wouldn’t read the book for him and his lack of desire would just make it more difficult for him to finish. Today he’ll be faced with obstacles to deter him, but I’ll push him to pursue his goal. I’ll have to check his progress throughout the day, but this is a great lesson in determination and he is learning a sense of responsibility by being held accountable.
Second-born doesn’t know I received a Life Lesson for LaVender in the midst of his distressing deadline. I too, am being held accountable for my actions and performance as a wife and mother. I must be determined to complete various tasks I just don’t want to do. I must devote my energies to worthy pursuit and not allow complacency and outside distractions to steal my focus.
Isn’t this what life is all about? We mumble and complain when placed in unpleasant situations, but these unwanted circumstances actually help strengthen us and improve our faulty character. On our job, in our home, our marriage, and relationships with our children (regardless of age), we are pushed to new levels. These tough times show us what we’re made of. Ouch!
Mothers have such wonderful opportunities to mold young minds and teach children character. Thanks to hubby, today I will be teaching determination and perseverance. The most important thing I’ll be teaching is recognizing the power within us and realizing God pushes us to be all we were created to be.
Philipians 4:13 (KJV)
I can do all things through Christ which strenghtheneth me.