They say (whoever they is) breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I wondered how many children begin their school day with breakfast and how many don't. My children are half crazy without breakfast, so to help keep their focus and my sanity, I have always given them a hot breakfast to begin their homeschooling days.
Now that firstborn will be attending public school, and after reading this article at Mom's Fighting Fat, I will definitely ensure firstborn has a healthy breakfast to begin his day. Thank God I tried to instill good eating habits in him as a toddler because now he'll be making his own food choices. Will he choose pizza or a salad? Will he choose water or a soda? I sure can't control his decisions, but I have peace in knowing I did my part. If he comes home with a face full of pimples, I'll know he has been drinking zit juice - that's his name for soda, not mine!
I encourage the mothers of babies and toddlers to begin creating healthy habits for your children because as they grow older, it's more difficult to train taste buds. Juice, cookies, and candy definitely comfort our children, but you'll have to pay for it later - in more ways than one. Everything in moderation!
How about you? What does your child have for breakfast to begin the day?