The above passage was what I read Saturday morning in the book of Haggai. I chuckled as I read it because any mother could have written it, but Haggai was actually a man reminding God’s people to keep their focus and remember their priorities. I get excited when the Word of God comes to life because sometimes the Bible can seem boring and unclear, which is why I enjoy my Study Bible to help me apply the thous and shalts to my present day life. Of course there was a Life Lesson for LaVender - especially after basking and bragging about my day of relaxation on Friday.
Sometimes when I am pulled in all directions, I find myself rushing through life meeting only the necessary and forgetting what's important. My problem is not how much I have to do, but remembering what my true calling is as a mother. My ultimate role is to nurture and care for the family God placed in my care - everything else is secondary.
I often get irritated when I’m pulled away from my fun job of MOMSWEB, or when I’m baking a dessert gift for someone, or just enjoying some much needed alone time. Although I am called to do those things also, my priority is my family – it’s my first ministry.
This very short, yet challenging book of Haggai was brought to my remembrance this morning as hubby reminded me of his ‘to-do’ list for me. Bills to pay and errands to run is not what I want to do, but taking care of the needs of our household should be my priority. I sure can’t share MOMSWEB with mothers if I’m not striving to live it myself.
Another week is upon us, filled with to-dos and get dones, but I invite you to join me in keeping our focus on God and remembering our priority – family.
Proverbs 31:27 (NKJV)
She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.