Sigh...'s that glorious time of the month and I can't help thinking about all the women I know who have had hysterectomys / hysterectomies. I can't even spell it, so maybe that's why I won't need one. I remember being much younger and telling my Mother that I would get a hysto because I didn't want to bleed every month. Well, here I am many, many years later and still dealing with the curse. Quite a few women in my family have had this surgery and today I'm quite jealous. Am I crazy? Of course I am. Here I am wishing I had to go under the knife and have a day or two of rest plus another few weeks of pain and recovery. Hmmm...let's weigh the pros and cons, shall we? Not! I'll just sit on my butt for a couple of days and wait for these blessed days of Aunt Flo's visit to pass. Sigh...