At 2:30 a.m., I awoke with my dessert business on my mind. From the time the business opened, I knew there was more to it than just baking desserts. I even told my husband I wished I had a crystal ball to take a peek of where I was going. My passion is encouraging Mothers and nurturing children, so the whole dessert avenue has always been a little cloudy to me. Nevertheless, I've been following God's leading for over two years now and baking. At 3 a.m., I finally got my tired body out of bed and quietly meditated. I went to my Bible and was lead to read about Elisabeth, the Mother of John the Baptist. Elisabeth was a homemaker and desired to give birth to a child. Although childless well into her old age, she never doubted God's ability to fulfill His promise. She kept her eyes on her Savior and not her circumstances. Elisabeth's story definitely encouraged me as I closed my Bible and enjoyed my peace of mind. While quietly praising God, He mercifully revealed a few things to me about the business. He brought to my attention several things He has put in motion and the awesomeness of His perfect timing. My part is my continued obedience and faithfulness - without compromise. Whether we are looking for direction in a business, a relationship, our marriage, our children, or our jobs, God will accomplish His will in the most unusual ways with unpredictable timing. I could have muddled my mind and tried to figure out my direction, but going to God's Word gave me clear direction. Who needs a crystal ball? Needless to say, God has shared the connection of my love for baking and encouraging Mothers - His plan is much better than mine. Are you looking for direction with a particular situation? Go to the Word; be faithful, patient, and obedient!
Isaiah 55:8 (NKJV)
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.