A Visit to ARC
Every now and then I like my children to be reminded that everyone is not like they are. Everyone is not born the same. ARC is a place for developmentally disabled senior adults with different forms of intellectual disabilities. The Dessert Stop, our family business, stopped by to deliver cookies and brownies and spend the afternoon with them. It was first-born's birthday and they all sang Happy Birthday to him. It was a memorable afternoon.
Below are some pictures.

My New Husband

For years, I've been asking my husband to court me and initiate date nights and for years I've been waiting. I knew I needed to initiate a date - again, but because of my pride, I refused to initiate another act to keep the fire burning. Our date nights were sitting in front of the television, so I sat and waited for hubby to make the first move. Okay, I’ll admit it; I allowed pride to control me. Communing with God revealed that my pride was keeping me from receiving date nights. What? How can this be about me? Why do I always have to be the one to change? It took a while to swallow the pride pill, but I planned a special Sunday date with dear hubby. Swallowing my pride immediately set a few things in motion. Saturday morning at 6 a.m., my husband and I were at a local IHOP having breakfast. The exciting part of this occasion was that dear hubby initiated our early morning rendezvous and said there were more dates to come! I enjoyed our spontaneous date and breathlessly awaited the Sunday date I planned.

Humility is the key to marriage. Humility allowed me to express the love I receive from God. We may not think our husband deserves extra love and attention, but we don’t deserve God’s daily grace and we surely didn’t deserve His son’s death on the cross. It’s because of love that we have life! When Godly love is expressed; love reciprocates. It may not happen suddenly, but if we believe in God; it will happen. I’ve been married fifteen years and not only is hubby finally initiating dates, but he’s initiating washing clothes and dishes also! He even watched the Food Network for a minute last night. I love my new husband! Pride was sucking the life out of our marriage, but humility is giving our marriage new life!

Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Mother of a Teen!

Friday, I will officially be the Mother of a teenager. Yippeeeee! Auuugh! Help! WHAT? After all the scary comments I've heard about teenagers, I'll have to agree that for the most part, they are true. Attitudes, weird acting, selfish, rebellious, and a few others I'm sure you've heard also. In spite of all these things, which are expected in the transition years, first-born is still a sweet child. Loving, caring, and considerate of his Mama's feelings. He opens the door for me, asks if I need help carrying items, and will carry my empty plate into the kitchen. Yes, he is full of attitude and makes me ill at times, but he's mine.

Idle Time

The cold weather made it difficult to get out of bed this morning. I sat in the middle of my bed wrapped in my warm covers and thanking God for another day. I began to think of all the things I had to do and my prayer of thanksgiving began to slowly turn to a prayer of request for His help. I needed God’s power to infuse me with activity before I decided to lie back down. Was it laziness or did I need more rest? Do I have to teach the boys today? Do I have to cook breakfast and dinner? Do I have to get dressed? Do I have to work? What happened to my prayer of thanksgiving? I wasn't sick, so I immediately jumped out of bed to combat my lazy thoughts. I asked God to order my steps and fill my thoughts with His thoughts. It’s so easy to be lazy. It’s even easier to think of excuses to be lazy. Needless to say, as soon as I began moving, my attitude changed. I realized how even a little idle time can invite redundant, worthless thoughts to occupy my mind and worthless thoughts lead to insignificant activity. As quickly as this year is passing by, who has time for insignificant activity? As a young girl, I remember my father telling me time is one thing I can lose and never get back. Whether we are inside our home or outside of our home working, the clock is ticking - time is passing by. Let's make the most of every minute of this day and do everything unto the Lord. Being lazy is not acceptable. My prayer of thanksgiving returned as I thanked God for my health, my strength, the use of my limbs, and another opportunity to use them to bring Him glory. Idle time is not welcome here!

Proverbs 31:27 (NKJV)
She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.

First and Last

I love talking with first-time pregnant women. Today, I had the pleasure of speaking briefly with one and she said this was her first and last. I told her I said the same thing and I have two children. Many women don't know that it is scripture that we labor in pain and after a while we forget what we went through and ta-da....here comes another baby (smile). Those little bundles of joy have a way of making us forget all we went through for nine plus months.

Happy Motherhood!

John 16:21 (NIV)
A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.


Sigh...it's that glorious time of the month and I can't help thinking about all the women I know who have had hysterectomys / hysterectomies. I can't even spell it, so maybe that's why I won't need one. I remember being much younger and telling my Mother that I would get a hysto because I didn't want to bleed every month. Well, here I am many, many years later and still dealing with the curse. Quite a few women in my family have had this surgery and today I'm quite jealous. Am I crazy? Of course I am. Here I am wishing I had to go under the knife and have a day or two of rest plus another few weeks of pain and recovery. Hmmm...let's weigh the pros and cons, shall we? Not! I'll just sit on my butt for a couple of days and wait for these blessed days of Aunt Flo's visit to pass. Sigh...

Enjoy The Day

I will not think about yesterday; I will enjoy today.
I will not replay conversations in my head from yesterday; I will enjoy today.
I will not think about what I should have done on yesterday; I will enjoy today.
I will not consider what I could have done yesterday. I will enjoy today.
Yesterday is gone; it is history. Today is a new day; I am making history. I will enjoy today.
This is the day the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!

My Crystal Ball

At 2:30 a.m., I awoke with my dessert business on my mind. From the time the business opened, I knew there was more to it than just baking desserts. I even told my husband I wished I had a crystal ball to take a peek of where I was going. My passion is encouraging Mothers and nurturing children, so the whole dessert avenue has always been a little cloudy to me. Nevertheless, I've been following God's leading for over two years now and baking. At 3 a.m., I finally got my tired body out of bed and quietly meditated. I went to my Bible and was lead to read about Elisabeth, the Mother of John the Baptist. Elisabeth was a homemaker and desired to give birth to a child. Although childless well into her old age, she never doubted God's ability to fulfill His promise. She kept her eyes on her Savior and not her circumstances. Elisabeth's story definitely encouraged me as I closed my Bible and enjoyed my peace of mind. While quietly praising God, He mercifully revealed a few things to me about the business. He brought to my attention several things He has put in motion and the awesomeness of His perfect timing. My part is my continued obedience and faithfulness - without compromise. Whether we are looking for direction in a business, a relationship, our marriage, our children, or our jobs, God will accomplish His will in the most unusual ways with unpredictable timing. I could have muddled my mind and tried to figure out my direction, but going to God's Word gave me clear direction. Who needs a crystal ball? Needless to say, God has shared the connection of my love for baking and encouraging Mothers - His plan is much better than mine. Are you looking for direction with a particular situation? Go to the Word; be faithful, patient, and obedient!

Isaiah 55:8 (NKJV)
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.

The American Flag

This is a picture of a Lego creation first-born completed a few days ago. Before he destroys it to create something else, I thought it was perfect for today since it's voting day. Although he ran out of white Legos for the stars, we still get the idea.
May God have His way today and everyday.

My Vote

As I stood in line to cast my early vote in the state of Florida this weekend, my heart became heavy. I thought about how much attention and time has been spent getting people registered to vote and making sure they vote early. I looked over the diverse group of people in line and wondered if they were saved and how nice it would be to have lines across the city of people waiting to hear the gospel and be saved. I can’t tell you how many phone calls I received from volunteers, from both major political parties, wanting me to vote early. Hmmm…no one ever called me anonymously to share the Word. It’s something how bold and vocal we’ve been about this political race, but when it comes to sharing the free gift of salvation, our lips become glued. Obama! McCain! Vote Yes! Vote No! Vote, vote, vote! Bumper stickers, yard signs, buttons, emails, and door to door knocking has become an accepted, temporary way of life, yet I complain because Jehovah Witnesses knock on the door early Saturday morning. May God bless them for trying to do what God expects from all His children. Yes, politics is important and necessary, but will never be as important as ensuring people are prepared to meet their Creator. Asking if someone voted isn’t the question, but asking if they are saved should be the focus. Can I do both? Sure, yet I’m reminded I serve a jealous God and He wants my total allegiance. I will be bold enough to say this…it doesn’t matter who wins the election because God will still be in control. Neither candidate has an ounce of power to do anything without almighty God. This voting process is just that…a process. My vote is important, but I’m reminded of the most important vote and the only vote that will matter in the end. Whose side are you on?

I Corinthians 10:22 (NKJV)
Are we trying to arouse the Lord's jealousy?