I Still Have Peace

Thank you to everyone for attempting to contact me via email or phone and wondering where I've been. I'm still here, yet my computer is terminally ill (smile). This is the third time this year, so I'm convinced it's time for my computer to be replaced. I'm at the library using a very nice computer!! I'm putting the word out and praying that some organization or company will donate a computer to MOMSWEB, so we can continue our mission of encouraging and offering mothers spiritual support. I've had to pick up the phone a little more than I care to, yet it's been a blessing. I even lost my voice for a few days after my computer went down. When it rains it pours! In spite of having no MOMSWEB contact with you, I still have peace! Things happen for a reason and MOMSWEB will be back stronger than ever - new and improved!! Count in JOY! Keep MOMSWEB in your prayers and thanks for your concern. This lets me know that MOMSWEB is missed and very much needed. I miss you toooooo!