Respect My Choices

Last night while watching 60 Minutes, there was a segment showing a forum of 25 voters representing various races, genders, and social backgrounds. The subject of the forum? Of course the presidential election. I watched as the selected voters expressed anger and dissatisfaction with the candidates plus their lack of tolerance for the opposing views of other forum members. 

I understand politics can be a touchy subject but everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? It reminds me of society’s inability to accept others. We’ve all been guilty of this whether it’s with a spouse, friend, co-worker, family member or even our own children. “Why would you do that?” “Don’t say that.” “You shouldn’t do this or that.” We may not accept the beliefs and choices of others, but I believe we should at least learn to respect them. 

It takes a Jesus level of love to accept people for who they are and the choices they make when we don’t agree. Can another person’s opinion or choice hurt us? Who says our choice is correct? The important thing is to stay focused and grounded on our own beliefs and not allow the voices of others to sway or shake us. Much of the beauty of our country is in the diversity we represent. There is strength in diversity and it should be acknowledged on all accounts. If we all thought alike and had the same values, morals, and made the same choices, what a boring country we’d have. Whatever our choices in life are, stand by them, yet respect the choices and voices of others as well.

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