Specifics or Not?

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I had a telephone conversation with a good friend of mine yesterday. We had a lot of catching up to do, so we circled around our lives in conversation and of course the subject of men came up. I mentioned how happy and content I was being by myself and didn’t want anyone complicating my life. She replied by saying she met someone to complicate her life and she was happy. We both laughed and she proceeded to tell me about her new man. Married before, she said she removed all personal stipulations she had and allowed God to send her who He wanted her to have. She’s a tall woman and was even open to dating someone much shorter and race was not an issue for her. From the tone of her voice, her new man definitely sounds like a blessing. He treats her like no other man has, and he cooks which she does not. I asked her to send me a picture and I was convinced. They look like a match made in heaven.

My lesson in this? No, I’m not praying for a man nor do I desire one, but my lesson was in prayer. Of course prayer is a personal thing, yet sometimes we tell God what we want, when we want it, and how we want it. Some of us have been taught to pray with specifics. Do we not trust God enough to know that He already knows the desires of our heart and He knows what’s best for us? It doesn’t matter what we’re praying for, we really don’t have a clue what we really need in our life. Please continue to pray as you feel led, this was my life lesson and my prayer will continue to be…Lord, have your way. Why? Because I’m clueless about what I want or need. I’ll leave the specifics to my Omniscience God.

A Good Day

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I awoke this morning full of smiles and excitement like a child waking up on Christmas Day. What a good place to be mentally and spiritually. The words below were my first thoughts this morning and I quickly jotted them down to share with you. I pray we all stay in our place of peace today and not stray from our Keeper in our thoughts and ways. May we unwrap this gift of day with joy and expectations of only good – regardless of what’s in store for us.

My morning thought…

Because I awoke with the ability to breathe, I perceive today to be a good day. May your perfect will be done in me. Empty me of my Self and allow Holy Spirit, which dwells within, to have divine way in me, with me, and through me. You are in control. Guide me, lead me, have your way. Mold me, shape me throughout this day.  Allow me to see only good in all you do. On my job, in my family, with friends and passersby. May I rejoice and praise knowing it’s all for my good and you’ll have your way regardless of what I say or what I try. We are one as I abide in you and keep my mind on you. My place of peace is with you and there is where I want to stay. Again, because I awoke with the ability to breathe, I perceive today to be a good day.

The Secret Place

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I used to wake up every morning and make a point to spend time with God. I’d grab my Bible, read a few verses, pray, and start my day. I realized it’s not about starting my day with God in prayer, but it’s about living my day with God in prayer. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I don’t start my day with God. I definitely acknowledge my Helper, my Keeper, my Light, but If I awake late or something happens to prevent me from reading my Bible, it’s okay because I now know having a constant awareness of God throughout the day is more helpful to me than making sure I punch the clock with Him every morning. Now, when I awake, I rest still in my bed for a while just allowing God to speak to me. 

Another thing, I realized is that I talk too much! I’m learning to shut-up and listen to my Father speak. This quietness, the stillness, the oneness leads me to that secret place where no one can interrupt, disturb, or shake… because it’s deep within me. The secret place is where He shares His wisdom, His light, His love…Himself. The secret place is where I grow without effort, where my talents stretch without thought, where I’m strengthened without tribulation, and where His love transcends without me getting in the way. 

Yes, reaching the secret place takes practice, but the more I practice, the easier it is to reach and remain there – throughout the day, not just in the morning. Just thinking about the secret place gives me peace. That’s just how powerful it is. Have you found the secret place? If not, be still…

Low Air Pressure

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Yesterday I noticed my tire pressure light was on. I really didn’t feel like stopping to put air in my tires. I usually just drive up to a tire shop and ask them to check my air pressure. It was Sunday, so those shops were closed, but when I stopped for gas, I noticed an air pump. There was one guy ahead of me and I wondered if he would offer to help me. Yes, I was being lazy – I did NOT feel like doing it. He made eye contact with me. I smiled, he smiled back and got back in his car and drove off. A car pulled up behind me as I pulled up to the air hose. A gentleman was at the wheel, and again I wondered if he would offer to help. He didn’t budge from his car. Well, I got my lazy butt out of the car and put air in my tires. When I finished, I felt a small sense of accomplishment because I found a little motivation within me to do it myself. 

Of course, my brain spiritualized my low-pressure tires. I could have kept driving with the low-pressure light and ended up on a flat, but instead, I restored the air in my tires. It’s like waiting for someone to encourage you. Sometimes we feel spiritually low, deflated, or maybe a little blah. We can wait for someone to say an encouraging word or we can encourage ourselves. People don’t always come through when we need them, so in this life, we better learn to do some things on our own and that includes lifting ourselves, praying for ourselves, affirming ourselves, and encouraging ourselves. We may not feel like it, but we’re only hurting ourselves if we don’t. We only prolong our peace and joy when we wait for someone else to share the Light when the Light is already within us. Check your pressure!