Are You Present?

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I remember my father telling me he was learning everything on his way out. In other words, the older he gets, the wiser he becomes.  I’m noticing this also, and recently I’ve become aware of what it truly means to be present in the moment. It’s one thing to be present in the moment (in the flesh), yet something completely different to be present in the moment (in the Spirit of God). Our carnal eyes aren’t capable of beholding what the eyes of our Creator sees, nor can our carnal mind process what’s going on around us. To be present is to be engaged spiritually. After all, we’re spiritual beings, right? 

To be present in the moment is to be present in His presence. I wonder if I’ve been sleep walking most of my life. You know, going through the motions thinking I’m living in the moment. I want to be awake to life and benefit from the enlightenment every breath offers. I want to be awake and aware of God’s presence with every move I make and every step I take. To hear the birds sing in the flesh is one thing, but that same bird singing when awake and aware of God’s presence will make one want to sing, too!  

Oh, to behold God’s creation with spiritual eyes! Oh, to be engaged with the people we run into and have conversations with throughout the day! Oh, to realize our spiritual role in our child’s life! Life isn’t a series of mere happenstances, but spiritually synchronized experiences divinely designed just for us. Knowing this adds excitement to what’s in store for us today. Instead of going through the motions, be engaged, be enlightened, and be present in the present moment. Be present in His presence.