Monday's Mess

 I awoke a little late this morning, jumped out of bed, grabbed my shoes and clothes, and ran out the door for my morning walk. I got half way down the street and realized I didn’t have a bra on, so headed back to the house. I was already running late, so just decided not to go. Monday’s mess is starting already. I realized the bra wasn’t the reason I returned home, but I walked right by my quiet place of meditation this morning, so I felt I was being led back home to begin my day the right way. The nerve of me - the one thing I needed the most, my source of strength, energy, and power, was the one thing I pushed aside. Why make such a big deal out of it? Well, God didn’t forget to give me breath this morning! God didn’t forget to open my eyelids this morning! God didn’t forget to wake me with the activity of my limbs! How dare I not make a big deal out of it?  As mothers and wives, we are the fuel that keeps our home running, so it is crucial to refuel and renew our mind, body, and soul every morning – with Him. How else do we expect to have a day of peace and order? Anyway, I pushed my rewind button and sat down to meditate, pray, and begin my day… the right way. 

We sometimes talk about Mondays being difficult, but Monday has no power to do anything except roll around each week as scheduled. We allow Mondays to stress us out and push those buttons we thought were out of order. Starting our day the right way will run Monday’s mess away and allow us to enjoy a day of love, joy, and peace! 

Have a marvelous Monday!