Make My Day!

 When the boys wake up, I have no idea what kind of morning disposition they’ll have, so I try to be prepared. Talkative, lazy, disgruntled, or full of scheme to wear what they want to school could be the case in this house. My older sister, mother of two grown boys, told me not reacting to her sons’ unacceptable behavior worked like a charm for her. Her youngest went through a gothic stage and she never said a word through his entire black season. Eventually the darkness disappeared. I’m a woman of many words, so ignoring my sons’ actions takes a lot of effort, but I can do it. This applies to dealing with anyone throughout the day – inside and outside the home. People are a challenge. I can’t escape them – they are everywhere. I can’t change their actions, but I can control my reaction to them. A try-me teen, troubled tween, cranky co-worker, nosey neighbor, helpless husband, finicky friend, long red light, slow driver, or even a phone call can be a trap to trip us up and ruin our day. Our anger, frustration, or lack of patience is what trips us…not the trap itself. The trap has no power. I have to remind myself throughout the day that God gave me the power to make my day – no one or nothing else. These trifling traps must be used to empower me. Each one must be recognized as a tool to strengthen me for the next trap coming. This is the attitude a woman of God must have.  We must be ready to walk over those traps, not be tripped by them. Let’s turn those traps into triumphs! So, are we ready for the day? Get ready – set – go! Go ahead, make my day!

Psalm 118:24 (NIV)
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Touch Me!

 Sunday morning, I awoke tired, irritable, and I didn’t feel like being bothered. I was aware of my raging hormones, so I quickly connected to my power source before I interacted with anyone. I went to my quiet place and practically begged God for strength, energy, power, and a new attitude. I felt foul, but awakened the boys up with my happy voice, “Rise and shine, Give God the glory!” I wasn’t feeling happy or God’s glory, yet trying to get out of my funk. Hubby walked by me and hit me on my behind several times. I felt like punching him, but didn’t. I simply ignored him as I continued to pray for God’s covering. The only touch I desired was a touch from above. Eventually, Miss Flesh and her foulness disappeared. It took a while; but it happened. God’s power can break through the strongest of ungodly emotions, moods, and attitudes. A woman deals with so many seasons of change in her body, but as long as we are under God’s control, we can maintain a peace within us that surpasses all understanding. Our moods and emotions may change like the wind, but holding on to God’s unchanging hand is our hope. As I allowed Him to saturate me with His Spirit and as I continually recalled His promises, His sweet, loving spirit covered my foul spirit. Monday is a new day with new needs for God’s covering. As I cover my physical, I allow Him to cover my spiritual. I need God’s touch in order to touch others with His love – inside and outside the home.  The song, He Touched Me, is playing in my head as I type.  Touch me, Lord!  

Children Battle Too!

 Adults aren't the only ones battling in life. Children also battle life in their own age specific way. While toddlers are busy having their personal temper tantrums, tweens and teens are battling peer pressure, mood swings, keeping their mouth shut, teachers, grades, and friends. They even battle against their own bodies and minds as they transition into young adults. Some battle each morning with having to go to school!

I try to remember this when I send the boys off to school and when I welcome them home. The one place they should feel safe and secure from the battles of life is at home. Home is where children should be strengthened with love and words of encouragement. If home isn't a safe haven for our children, they are sure to find one!

Fussing, cussing, nagging, and talking at our children instead of talking to them can be rough on a young mind. I know, I know, how many times do you have to tell them to take out the trash, wash the dishes, or clean their room before you raise your voice? I know; I'm there!

I realized raising my voice wasn't producing the results I wanted, so it was time to try something new...a lower tone with an increase in patience - teens have their own time line. They'll get the job done as long as you don't expect it to be done immediately. The last thing I want is for my sons to hate hearing me call their name. Hmmm... it might be a little too late!

Do this, do that, didn't I tell you to do this, why didn't you do that? Wouldn't it be horrible to know our children hear us as Charlie Brown's teacher? Oh my!

Anyway, remember the unspoken battles your children are having. They'll be grown and gone soon, so make their home memories joyful ones.

Monday's Mess

 I awoke a little late this morning, jumped out of bed, grabbed my shoes and clothes, and ran out the door for my morning walk. I got half way down the street and realized I didn’t have a bra on, so headed back to the house. I was already running late, so just decided not to go. Monday’s mess is starting already. I realized the bra wasn’t the reason I returned home, but I walked right by my quiet place of meditation this morning, so I felt I was being led back home to begin my day the right way. The nerve of me - the one thing I needed the most, my source of strength, energy, and power, was the one thing I pushed aside. Why make such a big deal out of it? Well, God didn’t forget to give me breath this morning! God didn’t forget to open my eyelids this morning! God didn’t forget to wake me with the activity of my limbs! How dare I not make a big deal out of it?  As mothers and wives, we are the fuel that keeps our home running, so it is crucial to refuel and renew our mind, body, and soul every morning – with Him. How else do we expect to have a day of peace and order? Anyway, I pushed my rewind button and sat down to meditate, pray, and begin my day… the right way. 

We sometimes talk about Mondays being difficult, but Monday has no power to do anything except roll around each week as scheduled. We allow Mondays to stress us out and push those buttons we thought were out of order. Starting our day the right way will run Monday’s mess away and allow us to enjoy a day of love, joy, and peace! 

Have a marvelous Monday!

Firstborn's Prayer

Firstborn came home from a long day of school and football practice. He sat down with his dinner plate and thanked me for the meal.  As usual, he bowed his head to thank God for his meal and as I watched him from the kitchen, my heart rejoiced. His head was bowed for longer than usual, so I began to thank God that Firstborn wasn't too tired to spend a few minutes in prayer. This was all too unusual, so I interrupted Firstborn by calling his name. He looked up at me and guess what he was doing? Yes, his head was bowed, but he also had his cell phone in his hands and he was TEXTING! I began to thank God that I did not turn into a mad woman and jump across the dining room table to snatch the cell phone out of his hand! Grrrrrr...

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All My Children

    Many think I love being around children because of my passion for motherhood. Well, childcare and children’s ministry is not my forte. My passion is nurturing and raising my own children! I know, selfish huh? To be honest, I didn’t even want to have children, but thank God for knowing me better than I know myself. It’s also evident that God has a sense of humor because a strong desire to actively participate in Secondborn’s school is burning within me. Sigh…okay, Lord. You must have planted this seed while I was sleeping because I sure didn’t see it coming. 

Each time my home is full of young boys, I’m reminded my passion for mothering should extend beyond my two sons. Some of the boys visiting our home don’t have a father in their home, have parents that are always working to make ends meet, and some have parents of the same gender.  It truly takes a village to raise a child. When I visit Secondborn’s school, I’m also reminded that children can’t always be blamed for their behavior – some haven’t been taught. Instead of shaking my head and thanking God for my well behaved child, I need to share my passion of mothering with these children. How selfish of me to not share my love, time, and energy with all God’s children.  
I have no idea in what capacity I’ll be helping Secondborn’s school, but I know I’ll need God’s compassion and patience because sometimes I get tired of my own children. I’m sure I have many life lessons ahead of me.  The first lesson being I have more than two children to nurture -  if they are in my presence, they are all my children.

Mark 10:16 (NIV)
And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.