I recently read a blog post titled, Why Do People Hate on Teenagers, and it definitely prompted some thinking on my part. Personally, I believe teenagers create their own reputation, yet unfortunately, we hear more of the negative acts in their challenging passage to adulthood than the positive. I also believe adults would rather criticize and complain than show patience, understanding, and compassion. Trust, me I learn something from my tween and teen on love, mercy, and forgiveness every day! My sons are raising ME!
Firstborn, my initiation to raising a teenager, did something this weekend that gave me hope and encouragement. I take his grand act of showing initiative as a life lesson in my belief in the power of prayer and finding the GOOD in all things.
Well, with Firstborn's permission, I'm sharing a positive act today.
Okay, are you ready? Without being told, threatened, or having bribe intentions for something he wanted, Firstborn CLEANED THE BATHROOM SPOTLESS! He even asked me to check it! His exact words to me were, "I'm tired of that dirty bathroom. I'm cleaning it up and I'm gonna keep it clean!" I felt his head for fever and asked if he was okay. He gave me his sweet smile and said he was fine.
WOW! I'll gladly accept the first part of his statement about cleaning the bathroom, forget keeping it clean! I'll take one step at a time. Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Firstborn and keep HOPE ALIVE for parents of teenagers!