I attended a woman's retreat over the weekend and didn't touch a computer all weekend. Actually, it felt good not to work, cook, homeschool, clean, and everything else I do everyday. I was able to come home feeling renewed, refreshed, and revived! I had been complaining about needing a getaway retreat and even though I spoke at this one, I was given a shot of much needed rejuvenation.
When I returned home, Hubby was outside playing basketball with Firstborn. He smiled and jumped like a little child when he saw me. I didn't have to ask if he missed me; it showed. He helped me with my bags, we sat and talked about our weekend, and then it happened...I sat at the computer to catch up on work.
Immediately, I was reminded of some of the things I shared with the women at the retreat. One was about taking care of business in the bedroom. Wow. Here I was after being away from hubby all weekend and I was catching up on work instead of catching up on us. Hubby will be okay; he understands. These were just a few thoughts I had as I battled getting up from the computer and going to bed with my husband who was already there. An understanding spouse can be taken for granted before you know it, so I jumped up from the computer and went to bed. Hubby was already snoring, but instead of touching the keys on the keyboard, I was touching my husband. I was taking care of business.
I thank God for the retreat and although I take many mental retreats due to not always being able to get away from the home front, I was inspired by this awesome group of women who have a retreat every year! This was their twelfth year having a retreat and it was awesome. All women should be given the opportunity to retreat in order to be renewed, so I've decided to begin something similar with Momsweb; stay tuned! Maybe if we retreated more, we won't hesitate to take care of our business in the bedroom.
Proverbs 31:11 (NIV)
Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value