My father began his conversation by stating why he didn’t have a problem stopping me from my cardio workout. He and my mother were preparing to leave the house and I would be gone when they returned, so he was taking advantage of the present moment. I admired my father for this although Miss Flesh wanted me to get irritated because he interrupted me.
I can be veeery selfish
After daddy shared his words of wisdom, which I always welcome, I continued my exercise, yet instead of focusing on my cardio system, I thought about how irritated I get when I’m interrupted. Whether I’m on the computer, reading a book, writing, relaxing, or even using the bathroom, my first response with any interruption is annoyance.
Wives and mothers will continually be interrupted – we’re called for, called on, needed, required, wanted, requested, and claimed by our family to meet their wants, needs, and desires. Is it possible to welcome these interruptions?
My Life Lesson for LaVender didn’t end with thoughts of myself, but thoughts of a family friend who was interrupted on Thanksgiving Day. His life was interrupted – by death.
I will forever look at interruptions by loved ones differently because one minute being interrupted can’t compare to a life being interrupted by death. Each moment – interrupted or not is one to be thankful for. Yes, alone time is important, but I’ll get plenty of that when my life is interrupted by death.
James 4:14 (New Living Translation)
How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.