My exercise this morning consisted of swinging my hips in a hula hoop for about 15 minutes as I watched the news. While listening to the news, I thought about when I hula hooped as a little girl and there was nothing on my mind except keeping the hula hoop moving. This morning, I thought about the economy, politics, oil, gas, and food prices, violence, and everything else I allowed through my ear and eye gates. Good grief. I wish I had known the pleasures of youth when I was young! My circle of concern was so small and my world was innocent. Now, I'm exposed to the necessities of life and responsibilities. I chose to concentrate on those youthful years and my hips began to swing just a little bit faster. I was having fun and enjoying revisiting my youth! Sometimes it's medicinal to have fun and play as a child. Our world is so complex, but the mind of a child is simple and carefree. Okay, back to the real world, I have laundry and cleaning to do! Sigh....