Tick Tock

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Over the weekend, I helped a friend prepare for a workshop she was giving. After set-up was complete, we had a few minutes to spare. She reviewed her notes and I sat and read. It was extremely quiet in the room. It was so quiet, I heard the clock on the wall ticking. Tick tock, tick tock. I looked at the clock and watched the red second hand move from second to second. As I watched the clock, I realized I was sitting and watching time pass by. I actually shivered at the thought of me literally watching time go by. The second hand didn’t stop…it never stops! Time is always moving and when time is lost we never get it back. We ask, “What happened to the time?” It passed! It’s gone! Time is always passing. It’s passing right now. 

We can look at our children and realize time is passing by. We look at our aging parents and realize time is passing by. It’s good to be conscious of time, but it’s better to be conscious of life. We miss life by watching time. We miss living by focusing on aging. The passing of time is inevitable, so we might as well make the most of it by living life to the fullest day by day, minute by minute, second by second. With that being said, I’m going to end this meditation and be a good steward of the time I’ve been blessed with. I’m usually running late for work. Why? Because time is passing by! Tick tock…tick tock…