One More Day

 Snooze, snooze, snooze was my mindset this morning. I kept pressing the snooze button, which is rare for me because I usually wake up with the chickens; however I knew I would have difficulty waking this morning since I went to bed extremely late. With each press of the snooze button, I knew I was also inviting a day of rushing out the door. Unfortunately, I wasn’t thanking God for one more day, but wishing I had one more day to sleep in. After the third snooze press, I began to feel guilty for my poor time management. I took it a step further and realized I wasn’t being a good steward of God’s time. 

 It’s a shame how much time I waste doing things that don’t matter. My snoozing also reminded me of the mental space I waste sitting and thinking of things I can’t control. If I allowed my thoughts to be consumed with an attitude of gratitude, I wouldn’t have time to mumble and grumble. If I allowed my thoughts to be consumed with the Giver of life, I wouldn’t have time to think about those who try to suck the life out of me. If I maintained thoughts of productivity, I wouldn’t have time to entertain procrastination. Life can be simple, but my choices make me wonder about some of my life occurrences. 

I’m getting older, so I don’t have time to snooze or procrastinate. I have one more day to get it right - one more day to do better than I did on yesterday - one more day to have an attitude of gratitude! I was blessed with one more day, so why not be a good steward of my minutes and my mind? How about you? What will you do with your one more day? It begins with a choice!

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