I spoke with a young mother this weekend, and asked her
if she was enjoying motherhood. She hesitated, but replied that she loved her
daughter. I thanked her for being honest, and told her motherhood isn’t always
enjoyable. I told her it’s best to be real about how she felt instead of faking
it, and the young mother began to cry. I gave her a hug and told her I
understood because I had been there, done that, and have two t-shirts to prove
it. Hmph…sometimes I go there now
and I’ve been a mother for eighteen years.
It’s so important for women to be
real and unmask when we speak with other wives and mothers. How in the world are
they supposed to see the power of God in our lives and give them hope if we
always look and act like we have it all together? It’s hard being a loving
mother 24/7, and it’s okay to say that you sometimes get tired of your children.
Saying it doesn’t remove an ounce of love we have for them! Will the REAL moms
please stand up!
If everyday in the motherHOOD was easy, we wouldn’t need God to
comfort us. If we never cried, we wouldn’t need God to wipe away our tears. If
we didn’t feel like we were burdened, we wouldn’t need God to cast our cares
upon. Can I Be Real? A perfect
mother does not exist. We all have struggles, meltdown moments, and some have
crying spells. We just have to pray for strength and power to endure and take it
one day at a time – one step at a time. We have to stay connected to our power
source, and remember that He promised to never leave us. No, it’s not going to
be alright, it’s already alright!
Stay strong, hold on, and keep it REAL!
Stay strong, hold on, and keep it REAL!