Firstborn is preparing for college, but I’m doing all the
work - ALL the work. I don’t know if he thinks I’m his secretary or if he
thinks I’m supposed to be doing everything, but I am. From finding
scholarships, to financial aid forms, I’m doing it all. Well, he did take his
own ACT test, so I have to give him credit for that. It’s a lot of work and
although he has a college recruiting him for sports, it’s still a lot of behind
the scenes work.
Last night, I was trying to send his ACT score to another college
and for some reason, after several attempts, I couldn’t get the online request
to work. I asked Firstborn to try and he did – once. Really? I wanted to fuss, but instead the Lord fussed at me. He
chastised me how many behind the scene acts He does for me. The Lord
always has my back, and He always makes a way for me. Even when I don’t see Him
working, He’s working things out, moving things around, and putting things in
place for me. He even goes before me and prepares the path for my future.
God went there with me. I felt bad as I looked at Firstborn on the floor
texting – completely unaware of what was going on. My Heavenly Father takes
such good care of me without reservation or hesitation. He leads me with a
loving hand and a quiet voice, and corrects me with mercy. No, I’m not Jesus,
but He told me to strive to be like Him. I help people all the time, so I need
to remember my first ministry is in my home.
Firstborn will be gone soon, so I must do my part and help prepare His
path. After all, God is still
preparing mine! Help beings at home!