
The Pneumonia, the flu, and a few other nasty viruses seem to be lingering around this season looking for weak immune systems to invade. With the exception of Secondborn, the rest of the family has escaped the contagious bug; however, this weekend I began to feel a little achy.  I rarely catch a virus, so I immediately increased my prevention measures by consuming more of my mixture of beet, tomato, and kale drink, my vitamin shake, and a few other powerful nutrients. I refused to give the nasty bug access to my body. Plenty of rest was also a part of my prevention, so I retreated back to bed as often as I could. Rest is a powerful weapon! While fighting the persistent bug, I realized prevention measures are necessary for my physical body as well as my spiritual body; they both require protection from outside elements. 

My spiritual body is capable of submitting to bugs also, but when I boost my spiritual warfare defenses, I’m not knocked off my feet in defeat and frustration. Praying without ceasing and putting my armor on early instead of waiting until I’m in the midst of battle prepares me for warfare. This morning, I am achy free; yet I can’t afford to stop pouring the extra nutrients into my body. The bug is lingering and waiting to catch me off guard. The adversary, aka Miss Flesh, is also waiting to invade my body through any avenue possible; there is always a trap set. The adversary stays on the lookout for unprepared bodies to dwell in just as those nasty virus bugs do.  How we prepare for the day reflects on the outcome of our day. Do you have your defenses up? Have you made preparations for possible invasion of the bugs? If not, boost up for battle and have a marvelous day!