Monday Meditation - You Won!

I fell asleep on the sofa last night watching the words on the computer screen blink, “You won!” It was from a card game hubby played and obviously won. I thought about the many things I’ve started in my life and chose not to finish. I can’t win unless I finish the game/task to the end. Hmmm…sounds like a commitment issue to me. I woke up at about 2:30 a.m. and the words were still flashing, “You won!” I prayed for a while then turned on the television. I heard a man say, “Don’t start something if you don’t intend to see it to the end.” GASP! He was talking about commitment! Coincidence? I don’t think so. He also mentioned the only thing we can control is our persistence. I turned the television off quickly; I got the message. 

I haven’t been committed in a lot of areas of my life. I’ve had thoughts of leaving my marriage instead of staying to the end. I’ve gotten tired of mothering my teenaged boys – whew, I get tired! I can’t tell you how many ideas I’ve started and walked away from. I don’t even cook on weekends because I got tired of cooking. The only way I can improve my commitment is to allow God to order my every step in every aspect of my life – to the end. This is the only way I’ll win, so all the superficial ideas and goals must cease. I don’t have time to waste time! I must focus on my purpose. This change I need to make begins with my commitment to God. I have to listen to His voice and not my own. Sounds simple, but even this takes commitment! Well, it’s another Monday and another chance to start anew. I can do this – we can do this – we can win…with God’s help! Have a winning Monday!