As I handed Firstborn the blue plate, I realized I needed to cherish the moment rather than focusing on years gone by. That very moment was a moment to cherish. Every moment with my two sons is a precious moment to cherish. I can miss out on these moments by focusing on the past. It’s okay to look at baby pictures and remember their toddler times, but I was taking it to another level - I wanted to stop time. Motherhood is my greatest joy and watching my sons grow up is bittersweet, if that makes any sense. Firstborn may not need me as he did in younger years, but as a teenager; he needs me in another way. I’m okay! I’m still Mama and will always be. I’m learning to cherish the moments as they quickly pass by without trying to hold on to them. Each season of motherhood brings new beginnings, new issues, new tests, and new moments to cherish.
Cherish the moment and enjoy this day of mothering!