I Tried!

  I decided to get off the sofa and run in place while watching the last four minutes of the Philadelphia Eagles and New York Giants’ football game last night. Exciting as the game was, I had difficulty running out the four minutes. I tried encouraging myself, praying, and even thinking of a wonderful ending to this meditation, but nothing worked. My mind was saying, “Stop! You’ve done enough!”  I had great intentions, but with exactly 2:51 left in the game, my body followed my mind and I stopped running. Four minutes can turn into fourteen minutes in a televised game with the time outs and station breaks, so I know I ran more than two minutes. Well, at least I tried!

With the holidays approaching, I hear a lot of talk about monitoring food intake and gaining weight.  One thing we forget is our body is not our own – it belongs to God. We don’t have the right to eat what we want nor do we have a right not to exercise our temple.  God knows our heart and will bless our intentions, so to attempt an exercise regime and monitor our food intake is a great start.

My will power will never be as strong as God’s supernatural power, so temple maintenance without Him leads to disaster. I always fail, but I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me. Today is a new day with new opportunities to bring God glory through my temple. One day at a time, one meal at a time, and one exercise regime at a time is the only way to tackle this – with God!  Happy Thanksgiving to you and remember….everything in moderation!