As I exhaled and celebrated the end of Firstborn’s first public school year, I was reminded not to get too relaxed. One year down is another year gone to prepare him for the real world. While searching for summer jobs and activities to keep him busy, I was reminded of the valuable mother/child time I’m about to forfeit. The summer months go by quickly and before I know it, Firstborn’s sophomore year will be here. A new school year means new peer pressures, new locker talk, new teachers, new girls, new trials and temptations, and new studies. I thought I was about to put my feet up for the summer, but it looks like I’ll be rolling my sleeves up and taking advantage of the precious moments of opportunity to teach both my sons. Some things can and will only be taught at home, so it's time for Summer School - Mama's Summer School.
A woman’s work is never done and a mother’s job should always be in forward motion. It’s okay to enjoy the summer and I definitely plan to, but this doesn’t mean a vacation from the motherhood. A child’s first and most influential teacher is the mother, so time to break out the books – the books of life. A year completed in education should also be another year completed in spiritual and character growth. The fun part about Mama's Summer School is that children don't have to know they're in school. Recognizing teachable moments takes time and creativity, but just being around our children offers so many because they do and say some straaaange things! Mama's Summer School is now in session - not just for my own children, but all those I come in contact with.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NLT)
And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.