After years of posting about being a wife and mother, it feels a little odd posting as a mother only; however, in February of this year after being separated for almost three years, I filed for divorce.
If you've followed my blog, you know I'm a big be a "good wife" advocate. I've stressed the importance of being a loving, supportive, forgiving and patient wife and I've been all those things plus faithful and understanding. I could probably name a few more "good wife" character qualities I had, but none of it would make any difference now - my marriage is over.
Please don't feel bad or sad for me. I'm happy. It feels like I just got out of some type of sports tournament where I played my heart out and gave my all, yet still lost the game. The only difference is I don't feel like I lost - I won. I found the courage to walk away from a twenty-year marriage and start over with my head high and feeling free. I mention this in my latest book When All Hell Breaks Loose, but I don't go into details because that's the next book.
I'll be sharing more...